Bringing products to life, on air and online.
Brand Awareness
Since 2004, e6 has been helping brands tell their stories and grow their brands through QVC.
Grow Revenue
We are a full service rep firm for companies looking to leverage the power of TV retail to achieve significant incremental sales growth.
QVC Experience
Our success and experience in this unique channel provides clients with the advantages of shortened timelines and improved outcomes.

Sue Bettenhausen is a co-founder of e6 with over 30 years of experience with leading business units, marketing, sales and customer service teams of businesses from stealthy start-ups to Fortune 50 companies such as IBM and Verizon. As a founding partner of a consultancy firm servicing wireless and internet start-ups and, now at e6, Sue’s core focus and success over the years has been in developing business ideas, assembling strong teams and executing with a rapid “read & respond” approach that rewards the experimentation needed for breakthrough growth.

Tom Castaldi is a co-founder of e6 with over 30 years building customer-centric sales teams that deliver growth. Tom spent his first twenty years growing a small financial services firm into one of the nation’s largest and most respected wholesaling firms of financial products. The thread that carries through Tom’s successful career is his ability to develop and nurture strong relationships with clients and partners. Tom is results-oriented and has been exceptionally successful at taking individual product stars and building them into thriving, multi-million dollar brands on QVC.

Matt Hodlofski has worked for and with QVC for twenty-three years. Prior to joining e6 in 2009, Matt was with QVC as a television producer for the network; teaching guests, vendors and the production crew what it takes to maximize air time and grow sales. Matt has been instrumental at building brand success for e6 and QVC. He is able to conceptualize what makes a product special and translate that to the key selling points and product demonstrations to fulfill a brand’s sales and marketing potential.

Jenn Pierce has also worked for and with QVC for more than twenty years. Most of Jenn’s QVC career was on the broadcasting side of the business, where she produced hundreds of hours of live product presentations. Additionally, Jenn was a part of QVC Product Works, an in-house marketing consultancy service that QVC offered as a service for vendors who didn’t have the internal resources needed to successfully manage their QVC business. Jenn has been an On Air guest and sales rep exclusively to QVC since 2004.

Richard Lyntton has been a QVC On-Air Guest since 2004, crafting & executing hundreds of airings including regular appearances on the QVC flagship food & kitchen show “In the Kitchen With David”. Known on and off screen as the ‘Gourmet Foodie,’ Richard, a native Brit, brings his warmth and innate world traveler food connoisseur passion to every single airing!

Kelsey Svitak has worked with QVC since 2012 specializing in broadcast support and vendor relations. She also has experience managing brands, sales analysis and has been an On-Air Guest for several food & kitchen brands. Kelsey loves building relationships and working directly with clients in order to achieve the best possible results from each on-air presentation.